An elemental aspect of fire protection is a fire sprinkler which automatically discharges water when it detects fire or a pre-determined temperature has exceeded. However, did you know that there are various kinds of a fire sprinkler head? Various types of sprinkler heads are usually designed for specific environments.

So, how do you know which type of fire sprinkler heads does your building needs? Choosing the right one can break or make your overall fire protection needs.

A sprinkler’s ability to extinguish or control fire has 6 main characteristics. You can choose a fire sprinkler head that is based on how your building’s environment matches:

  • Special service condition
  • Water distribution characteristics
  • Installation orientation
  • Orifice size
  • Temperature rating
  • Thermal sensitivity

Types Of Fire Sprinkler Heads

Basically, there are 2 types of fire sprinkler head. And the distinction between these two lies mostly on the type of hazard that the sprinkler will extinguish.

  1. Standard Response Fire Sprinkler Head

A standard response sprinkler head wets and cools an area surrounding a fire in order to prevent it from spreading. This method aims to suppress the source of fire and slow the spread of flame. And once the fire’s fuel is eliminated, the fire goes out. Individually activated, a standard response fire sprinkler will only be activated if it directly above the fire. Due to its precision, standard response sprinkler heads are best suited for industrial or commercial buildings like warehouses or factories.

  1. Quick Response Fire Sprinkler Head

Most appropriate for light hazard applications, a quick response fire sprinkler head discharges water higher up on the ceiling that cools down the ceiling in order to prevent the fire from rising. This method increases the chances of survival since people attempt to evacuate and helps prevent flash-over. Quick response fire sprinkler heads are usually used in high-density environments like schools, office buildings, assisted living facilities or healthcare facilities.

Standard Response Sprinkler Heads VS. Quick Response Sprinkler Heads

The most notable difference between the 2 types of fire sprinkler heads is the activation temperature. A quick response sprinkler head, as its name implies, activate slightly more quickly than standard response fire sprinkler heads due to its increased sensitivity.

Between a standard response fire sprinkler head and a quick response fire sprinkler head, the only physical difference is the size of their bulb. A standard response fire sprinkler head has a 5mm glass bulb while a quick response fire sprinkler head has a 3mm glass bulb. A smaller bulb increases the thermal responsiveness of the sprinkler and enables a faster activation time.

Because of its faster response time, a quick response fire sprinkler head might seem superior to standard response fire sprinkler head. However, quick response fire sprinklers head are not always the right choice. There are certain key factors that you should consider when choosing a fire sprinkler head. These factors include:

  • Area size to be protected
  • Ambient temperature throughout the year
  • Ceiling height

These elements will determine whether a quick response fire sprinkler head or a standard response fire sprinkler head will be more effective for your building. Quick response fire sprinkler heads are more suited for tall buildings or smaller areas whereas buildings with higher ceilings with larger areas can benefit from a standard response fire sprinkler head.

Schedule a Fire Sprinkler Service in AFS Inc.

Do you need a sprinkler system installed or your sprinkler system repaired, maintained, or inspected? Trust Aura Fire Safety to deliver the services you need. Our experience in the fire protection industry makes us the authority to ensure that your fire sprinklers remain the best condition and keep your buildings always safe from the destruction of flames.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at all. Visit or call us at 415-333-2588.


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